In his daily life, man devotes all his energies to changeable and fanciful goals, for which he ends up unnecessarily sacrificing his whole life. Today more than ever he needs to stop and look within himself, to find there the lost energies, values and harmony.
In addition, from the spiritual point of view, he lives immersed in the most complete practical ignorance of the Principle that originated and sustains the created Universe and that is found within himself.
For this purpose, through the School of Spirituality, Man Center holds meditation preparation courses, based on the universal principles that were at the origin of the world's major religions and philosophies, directed at the interior regeneration of man, developing him harmoniously in his different spheres of action.
In particular, meditation gives inner peace and harmony back to man to overcome the stress of everyday life and puts him in contact with the divine part of himself, opening new and vaster horizons of knowledge and inner bliss for him. This discipline is also called “Universal Meditation” because it can be practiced by anyone, man or woman, young or old, belonging to any religious tradition. It is practiced by thousands of people both in Italy and in many other countries around the world.
This activity has been written about:
“Man Center holds meditation courses based on the common principles of all the great traditions of the world, in order to perfect men by making them capable of a truly harmonious and selfless life. The Center also serves as an ecumenical pole where one can compare different experiences.”
(from the newspaper Il Tirreno)
“In the conferences held in California, Florida and Romania the Director Marcenaro talked about the elements that unite the world’s various cultures and religious traditions, stressing the need for authentic inner values for the modern man.”
(from the newspaper La Nazione)
“The aim is to create peace and harmony between individuals and peoples of different cultures, nationalities and religions, developing the best potential lying within every human being.”
(from the newspaper La Stampa)
“An extremely topical subject: the interaction between the different cultures and religions of the world, as a starting point for a rebirth of the moral and spiritual values of men.”
(from the newspaper Il Giorno)
“Pier Franco Marcenaro, International Peace Award, pointed out the rebirth of high moral, social and spiritual values as the way to facilitate the solution of the planet’s serious problems.”
(from the newspaper Il Messaggero)
“Hence Man Center’s proposal for a new human being that, without giving up his social commitments, also finds time to stop and look within himself. By creating harmony within himself, he will also be able to base his life on peace and on service.”
(from the newspaper Il Secolo XIX)
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